Psychology Journal Articles : [2273] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Psychology staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2273
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
-Editorial: Pain and RelationshipsCarter, Bernie; Caes, Line; Mcparland, Joanna-Editorial
19-Mar-2025Consistent Facial Cues to Social Class Across Two Different Western ContextsBjornsdottir, R Thora; Morgan, Mclean; Hjördísar Jónsdóttir, Harpa Lind; Garðarsdóttir, Ragna Benedikta; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
19-Mar-2025Outcomes of orangutan wild-to-wild translocations reveal conservation and welfare risksSherman, Julie; Voigt, Maria; Ancrenaz, Marc; Meijaard, Erik; Oram, Felicity; Williamson, Elizabeth A; Russon, Anne E; Seaman, David J I; Caurant, Christine; Byler, Dirck; Wich, Serge A-Journal Article
2025The creation of a systematic framework to assess dog laws and their relationship to societal changes in the United KingdomWeir, Sarah A; McDevitt, Lynsey; Andrews, Clare; Kessler, Sharon E-Journal Article
Mar-2025Lengthy shifts and decision fatigue in out-of-hours primary care: a qualitative studyMaier, Mona; Lawrie, Louisa; Powell, Daniel; Murchie, Peter; Allan, Julia-Journal Article
2025Simultaneous Regularity Contrast and Luminance PolarityKingdom, Frederick; Sun, Hua-Chun; Gheorghiu, Elena; Sellier Silva, Martin-Journal Article
Dec-2024Love as a Commitment Device : Evidence from a Cross-Cultural Study across 90 CountriesKowal, Marta; Bode, Adam; Koszałkowska, Karolina; Roberts, S Craig; Gjoneska, Biljana; Frederick, David; Studzinska, Anna; Dubrov, Dmitrii; Grigoryev, Dmitry; Aavik, Toivo; Prokop, Pavol; Grano, Caterina; Çetinkaya, Hakan; Duyar, Derya Atamtürk; Baiocco, Roberto-Journal Article
2025Social and individual factors mediate chimpanzee vocal ontogenySoldati, Adrian; Fedurek, Pawel; Dezecache, Guillaume; Muhumuza, Geresomu; Hobaiter, Catherine; Zuberbühler, Klaus; Call, Josep-Journal Article
2025An Evaluation of Health Behavior Change Training for Health and Care Professionals in St. HelenaMaltinsky, Wendy; Swanson, Vivien; Tanyan, Kamar; Hotham, Sarah-Journal Article
2021Perceiving acculturation from neutral and emotional faces.Bjornsdottir, R Thora; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
2020Negative emotion and perceived social class.Bjornsdottir, R Thora; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
Oct-2019When words become borders: Ingroup favoritism in perceptions and mental representations of Anglo-Canadian and Franco-Canadian facesBjornsdottir, R Thora; Yeretsian, Simon; West, Greg L; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
Oct-2017The visibility of social class from facial cues.Bjornsdottir, R Thora; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
Oct-2017Cultural differences in perceiving and processing emotions: a holistic approach to person perceptionBjornsdottir, R Thora; Tskhay, Konstantin O; Ishii, Keiko; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
3-Jul-2017Emotional Expressions Support the Communication of Social Groups: A Pragmatic Extension of Affective PragmaticsBjornsdottir, R Thora; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
Jun-2017The Perceptive Proletarian: Subjective Social Class Predicts Interpersonal AccuracyBjornsdottir, R Thora; Alaei, Ravin; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
May-2016On the relationship between acculturation and intercultural understanding: Insight from the Reading the Mind in the Eyes testBjornsdottir, R Thora; Rule, Nicholas O-Journal Article
Jan-2025Depth constancy and the absolute vergence anomalyRanson, Rebecca E; Scarfe, Peter; van Dam, Loes C J; Hibbard, Paul B-Journal Article
16-May-2024Current Perceptions of Virtual Reality TechnologyHornsey, Rebecca L; Hibbard, Paul B-Journal Article
Dec-2021Contributions of pictorial and binocular cues to the perception of distance in virtual realityHornsey, Rebecca L; Hibbard, Paul B-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2273