Psychology Journal Articles : [2173] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Psychology staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 801 to 820 of 2173
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
1-Sep-2015A test of the facultative calibration/reactive heritability model of extraversionHaysom, Hannah J; Mitchem, Dorian G; Lee, Anthony J; Wright, Margaret J; Martin, Nicholas G; Keller, Matthew C; Zietsch, Brendan P-Journal Article
31-Jan-2016Facial averageness and genetic quality: testing heritability, genetic correlation with attractiveness, and the paternal age effectLee, Anthony J; Mitchem, Dorian G; Wright, Margaret J; Martin, Nicholas G; Keller, Matthew C; Zietsch, Brendan P-Journal Article
1-Sep-2015Variation in Women's Preferences Regarding Male Facial Masculinity Is Better Explained by Genetic Differences Than by Previously Identified Context-Dependent EffectsZietsch, Brendan P; Lee, Anthony J; Sherlock, James M; Jern, Patrick-Journal Article
30-Nov-2015Pathogen disgust sensitivity and resource scarcity are associated with mate preference for different waist-to-hip ratios, shoulder-to-hip ratios, and body mass indexLee, Anthony J; Brooks, Robert C; Potter, Katrina J; Zietsch, Brendan P-Journal Article
31-May-2016The relationship between testosterone and long-distance calling in wild male chimpanzeesFedurek, Pawel; Slocombe, Katie E; Enigk, Drew K; Thompson, Melissa Emery; Wrangham, Richard W; Muller, Martin N-Journal Article
1-May-2019Support for my video is support for me: A YouTube scoping review of videos including adolescents with chronic painForgeron, Paula; McKenzie, Emily; O'Reilly, Jenna; Rudnicki, Erika; Caes, Line-Journal Article
Dec-2019Women's preferences for men's facial masculinity are strongest under favorable ecological conditionsMarcinkowska, Urszula M; Rantala, Markus J; Lee, Anthony J; Kozlov, Mikhail V; Aavik, Toivo; Cai, Huajian; Contreras-Garduño, Jorge; David, Oana A; Kaminski, Gwenaël; Li, Norman P; Onyishi, Ike E; Prasai, Keshav; Pazhoohi, Farid; Prokop, Pavol; Rosales Cardozo, Sandra L-Journal Article
25-Jan-2019The dynamics of grooming interactions: maintenance of partner choice and the consequences of demographic variation for female mandrillsPereira, André S; Rebelo, Inês D; Casanova, Catarina; Lee, Phyllis C; Louca, Vasilis-Journal Article
30-Jun-2018Does Adult Sex Ratio Predict Regional Variation in Facial Dominance Perceptions? Evidence From an Analysis of U.S. StatesTorrance, Jaimie S; Kandrik, Michal; Lee, Anthony J; DeBruine, Lisa M; Jones, Benedict C-Journal Article
31-Jul-2018Reply to Fleischman and Fessler's (2018) comment on "Hormonal correlates of pathogen disgust: Testing the Compensatory Prophylaxis Hypothesis"Jones, Benedict C; Hahn, Amanda C; Fisher, Claire I; Wang, Hongyi; Kandrik, Michal; Lee, Anthony J; Tybur, Joshua M; DeBruine, Lisa M-Journal Article
18-Jul-2018No evidence that facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) is associated with women's sexual desireZhang, Weiqing; Hahn, Amanda C; Cai, Ziyi; Lee, Anthony J; Holzleitner, Iris J; DeBruine, Lisa M; Jones, Benedict C-Journal Article
31-Dec-2018No compelling evidence that more physically attractive young adult women have higher estradiol or progesteroneJones, Benedict C; Hahn, Amanda C; Fisher, Claire I; Wang, Hongyi; Kandrik, Michal; Lao, Junpeng; Han, Chengyang; Lee, Anthony J; Holzleitner, Iris J; DeBruine, Lisa M-Journal Article
31-Jan-2019A house of cards: bias in perception of body size mediates the relationship between voice pitch and perceptions of dominanceArmstrong, Marie M; Lee, Anthony J; Feinberg, David R-Journal Article
30-Sep-2017Assessing the accuracy of perceptions of intelligence based on heritable facial featuresLee, Anthony J; Hibbs, Courtney; Wright, Margaret J; Martin, Nicholas G; Keller, Matthew C; Zietsch, Brendan P-Journal Article
1-Dec-2017Facial Trustworthiness is Associated with Heritable Aspects of Face ShapeLee, Anthony J; Wright, Margaret J; Martin, Nicholas G; Keller, Matthew C; Zietsch, Brendan P-Journal Article
8-Jun-2017Microbes and masculinity: Does exposure to pathogenic cues alter women's preferences for male facial masculinity and beardedness?McIntosh, Toneya L; Lee, Anthony J; Sidari, Morgan J; Stower, Rebecca E; Sherlock, James M; Dixson, Barnaby J W-Journal Article
31-Mar-2017Beneath the beard: do facial morphometrics influence the strength of judgments of men's beardedness?Dixson, Barnaby J W; Lee, Anthony J; Sherlock, James M; Talamas, Sean N-Journal Article
31-Jan-2018Women's preferences for men's beards show no relation to their ovarian cycle phase and sex hormone levelsDixson, Barnaby J W; Lee, Anthony J; Blake, Khandis R; Jasienska, Grazyna; Marcinkowska, Urszula M-Journal Article
Mar-2019Pain and quality of life in youth with inflammatory bowel disease: The role of parent and youth perspectives on family functioningCaes, Line; Chambers, Christine; Otley, Anthony; Stinson, Jennifer-Journal Article
May-2019Investigating the association between mating-relevant self-concepts and mate preferences through a data-driven analysis of online personal descriptionsLee, Anthony J; Jones, Benedict C; DeBruine, Lisa M-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 801 to 820 of 2173