Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2604] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1541 to 1560 of 2604
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Mar-2014Fire management in a changing landscape: a case study from Lopé National Park, GabonJeffery, Kathryn Jane; Korte, Lisa; Palla, Florence; Walters, Gretchen M; White, Lee; Abernethy, Katharine-Journal Article
2008Effect of the GC content of DNA on the distribution of UVB-induced bipyrimidine photoproductsMatallana-Surget, Sabine; Meador, Jarah; Joux, Fabien; Douki, Thierry-Journal Article
Oct-2009The response of the marine bacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis to solar radiation assessed by quantitative proteomicsMatallana-Surget, Sabine; Joux, Fabien; Raftery, Mark; Cavicchioli, Rick-Journal Article
9-Jul-2013Shotgun redox proteomics: identification and quantitation of carbonylated proteins in the UVB resistant marine bacterium, Photobacterium angustum S14Matallana-Surget, Sabine; Cavicchioli, Rick; Fauconnier, Charles; Wattiez, Ruddy; Baptiste, Leroy; Joux, Fabien; Raftery, Mark; Lebaron, Philippe-Journal Article
Jul-2012Sentic Computing for social media marketingCambria, Erik; Grassi, Marco; Hussain, Amir; Havasi, Catherine-Journal Article
Jan-2009Correlations among Fertility Components Can Maintain Mixed Mating in PlantsJohnston, Mark O; Porcher, Emmanuelle; Cheptou, Pierre-Olivier; Eckert, Christopher G; Elle, Elizabeth; Geber, Monica A; Kalisz, Susan; Kelly, John K; Moeller, David A; Vallejo-Marín, Mario; Winn, Alice A-Journal Article
26-Jun-2017Bacterial survival under extreme UV radiation: A comparative proteomics study of Rhodobacter sp., isolated from high altitude wetlands in ChilePerez, Vilma A; Hengst, Martha B; Kurte, Lenka; Dorador, Cristina; Jeffrey, Wade H; Wattiez, Ruddy; Molina, Veronica; Matallana-Surget, Sabine-Journal Article
22-Feb-2016Continental Island Formation and the Archaeology of Defaunation on Zanzibar, Eastern AfricaPrendergast, Mary E; Rouby, Helene; Punnwong, Paramita; Marchant, Rob; Crowther, Alison; Kourampas, Nikos; Shipton, Ceri; Walsh, Martin; Lambeck, Kurt; Boivin, Nicole L-Journal Article
Jan-2010Plant mating systems in a changing worldEckert, Christopher G; Kalisz, Susan; Geber, Monica A; Sargent, Risa D; Elle, Elizabeth; Cheptou, Pierre-Olivier; Goodwillie, Carol; Johnston, Mark O; Kelly, John K; Moeller, David A; Porcher, Emmanuelle; Ree, Richard H; Vallejo-Marín, Mario; Winn, Alice A-Journal Article
Nov-2011Structural and floristic typology of the forests in the forest-savanna mosaic of the Lopé National Park, GabonPalla, Florence; Picard, Nicolas; Abernethy, Katharine; Ukizintambara, Tharcisse; White, Elizabeth C; Riera, Bernard; Rudant, Jean-Paul; White, Lee-Journal Article
Jun-2014The 2.1 Ga old Francevillian biota: Biogenicity, taphonomy and biodiversityEl Albani, Abderrazak; Bengtson, Stefan; Canfield, Donald E; Riboulleau, Armelle; Rollion-Bard, Claire; Macchiarelli, Roberto; Ngombi Pemba, Lauriss; Hammarlund, Emma; Meunier, Alain; Moubiya Mouele, Idalina; Benzerara, Karim; Bernard, Sylvain; Boulvais, Philippe; Chaussidon, Marc; White, Lee-Journal Article
1-Aug-2017Joint-bounded crescentic scars formed by subglacial clast-bed contact forces: Implications for bedrock failure beneath glaciersKrabbendam, Maarten; Bradwell, Tom; Everest, Jeremy D; Eyles, Nick-Journal Article
May-2017Macrophytes in freshwater habitats-Perspectives from Asia Proceeding of the Second International Symposium of Aquatic Plant Biology (MACROPHYTE 2014, Wuhan, China)Li, Wei; Willby, Nigel; Hilt, Sabine-Editorial
Jul-2017Species mobility and landscape context determine the importance of local and landscape-level attributesFuentes-Montemayor, Elisa; Watts, Kevin; Macgregor, Nicholas; Lopez, Zeltia; Park, Kirsty-Journal Article
15-Feb-2016Predicting microbial water quality with models: Over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchmentsOliver, David; Porter, Kenneth; Pachepsky, Yakov A; Muirhead, Richard W; Reaney, Sim M; Coffey, Rory; Kay, David; Milledge, David G; Hong, Eunmi; Anthony, Steven G; Page, Trevor; Bloodworth, Jack W; Mellander, Per-Erik; Carbonneau, Patrice E; McGrane, Scott J; Quilliam, Richard-Journal Article
Nov-2014Consequences of treeline shifts for the diversity and function of high altitude ecosystemsGreenwood, Sarah; Jump, Alistair-Journal Article
Mar-2017Slowed biogeochemical cycling in sub-arctic birch forest linked to reduced mycorrhizal growth and community change after a defoliation eventParker, Thomas; Sadowsky, Jesse; Dunleavy, Haley; Subke, Jens-Arne; Frey, Serita; Wookey, Philip-Journal Article
Sep-2014Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration rates enhanced by microbial community responseKarhu, Kristiina; Auffret, Marc; Dungait, Jennifer; Hopkins, David; Prosser, James; Singh, Brajesh; Subke, Jens-Arne; Wookey, Philip; Agren, Goran; Sebastia, Maria-Teresa; Gouriveau, Fabrice; Bergkvist, Goran; Meir, Patrick; Nottingham, Andrew T; Salinas, Norma; Hartley, Iain-Letter
Apr-2016Re-investigating Tilaurakot's Ancient Fortifications: a preliminary report of excavations through the northern rampart at Tilaurakot(Nepal)Davis, Christopher; Coningham, Robin; Acharya, Kosh Prasad; Simpson, Ian; Tremblay, Jennifer; Kunwar, Ram Bahadur; Manuel, Mark; Bahadur, Krishna; Basanta, Bidari-Journal Article
May-2009Ecosystem feedbacks and cascade processes: understanding their role in the responses of arctic and alpine ecosystems to environmental changeWookey, Philip; Aerts, Rien; Bardgett, Richard D; Baptist, Florence; Brathen, Kari Anne; Cornelissen, J Hans C; Gough, Laura; Hartley, Iain; Hopkins, David; Lavorel, Sandra; Shaver, Gaius R-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1541 to 1560 of 2604

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.