Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2604] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 2604
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Jul-2021Pattern, style and timing of British-Irish Ice Sheet advance and retreat over the last 45 000 years: evidence from NW Scotland and the adjacent continental shelfBradwell, Tom; Fabel, Derek; Clark, Chris D; Chiverrell, Richard C; Small, David; Smedley, Rachel K; Saher, Margot H; Moreton, Steven J; Dove, Dayton; Callard, S Louise; Duller, Geoff A T; Medialdea, Alicia; Bateman, Mark D; Burke, Matthew J; McDonald, Neil-Journal Article
Jun-2021Assessing the feasibility of density estimation methodologies for African forest elephant at large spatial scalesLaguardia, Alice; Gobush, Kathleen S; Bourgeois, Stephanie; Strindberg, Samantha; Abitsi, Gaspard; Ebouta, Fabrice; Fay, J Michael; Gopalaswamy, Arjun; Maisels, Fiona; Ogden, Rob; White, Lee J T; Stokes, Emma J-Journal Article
Apr-2021Buzz-Pollinated Crops: A Global Review and Meta-analysis of the Effects of Supplemental Bee Pollination in TomatoCooley, Hazel; Vallejo-Marín, Mario-Journal Article
15-May-2021Three decades of post-logging tree community recovery in naturally regenerating and actively restored dipterocarp forest in BorneoHayward, Robin M; Banin, Lindsay F; Burslem, David F R P; Chapman, Daniel S; Philipson, Christopher D; Cutler, Mark E J; Reynolds, Glen; Nilus, Reuben; Dent, Daisy H-Journal Article
25-Feb-2021Population genetics of invasive and native Nymphaea mexicana Zuccarini: Taking the first steps to initiate a biological control programme in South AfricaReid, Megan; Naidu, Prinavin; Paterson, Iain D; Mangan, Rosie; Coetzee, Julie A-Journal Article
Jun-2021ACIX-Aqua: A global assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 over lakes, rivers, and coastal watersPahlevan, Nima; Mangin, Antoine; Balasubramanian, Sundarabalan V; Smith, Brandon; Alikas, Krista; Arai, Kohei; Barbosa, Claudio; Bélanger, Simon; Binding, Caren; Bresciani, Mariano; Giardino, Claudia; Hunter, Peter; Simis, Stefan; Spyrakos, Evangelos; Tyler, Andrew-Journal Article
Jul-2021Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciationEvans, David J A; Roberts, David H; Bateman, Mark D; Clark, Chris D; Medialdea, Alicia; Callard, Louise; Grimoldi, Elena; Chiverrell, Richard C; Ely, Jeremy; Dove, Dayton; Ó Cofaigh, Colm; Saher, Margot; Bradwell, Tom; Moreton, Steven G; Fabel, Derek; Bradley, Sarah L-Journal Article
Jun-2021Shrub expansion in the Arctic may induce large-scale carbon losses due to changes in plant-soil interactionsParker, Thomas C; Thurston, Alana M; Raundrup, Katrine; Subke, Jens-Arne; Wookey, Philip A; Hartley, Iain P-Journal Article
2021Population genomic and historical analysis suggests a global invasion by bridgehead processes in Mimulus guttatusVallejo-Marín, Mario; Friedman, Jannice; Twyford, Alex D; Lepais, Olivier; Ickert-Bond, Stefanie M; Streisfeld, Matthew A; Yant, Levi; van Kleunen, Mark; Rotter, Michael C; Puzey, Joshua R-Journal Article
Jul-2021Discovery of novel herpes simplexviruses in wild gorillas, bonobos, and chimpanzees supports zoonotic origin of HSV-2Wertheim, Joel O; Hostager, Reilly; Ryu, Diane; Merkel, Kevin; Angedakin, Samuel; Arandjelovic, Mimi; Ayimisin, Emmanuel Ayuk; Babweteera, Fred; Bessone, Mattia; Brun-Jeffery, Kathryn J; Dieguez, Paula; Eckardt, Winnie; Fruth, Barbara; Herbinger, Ilka; Jones, Sorrel-Journal Article
2021Recent genetic connectivity and clinal variation in chimpanzeesLester, Jack D; Vigilant, Linda; Gratton, Paolo; McCarthy, Maureen S; Barratt, Christopher D; Dieguez, Paula; Agbor, Anthony; Álvarez-Varona, Paula; Angedakin, Samuel; Ayimisin, Emmanuel Ayuk; Bailey, Emma; Bessone, Mattia; Brazzola, Gregory; Jeffery, Kathryn J; Orbell, Christopher-Journal Article
1-May-2021Floating photovoltaics could mitigate climate change impacts on water body temperature and stratificationExley, Giles; Armstrong, Alona; Page, Trevor; Jones, Ian D-Journal Article
15-Jan-2021Effects of stakeholder empowerment on crane population and agricultural productionNilsson, Lovisa; Bunnefeld, Nils; Minderman, Jeroen; Duthie, A Bradley-Journal Article
9-Apr-2021Rapid local adaptation in both sexual and asexual invasive populations of monkeyflowers (Mimulus spp.)Simón-Porcar, Violeta I; Silva, Jose L; Vallejo-Marín, Mario-Journal Article
Jun-2021Robust ecological analysis of camera trap data labelled by a machine learning modelWhytock, Robin C; Świeżewski, Jędrzej; Zwerts, Joeri A; Bara‐Słupski, Tadeusz; Koumba Pambo, Aurélie Flore; Rogala, Marek; Bahaa‐el‐din, Laila; Boekee, Kelly; Brittain, Stephanie; Cardoso, Anabelle W; Henschel, Philipp; Lehmann, David; Momboua, Brice; Orbell, Christopher; Abernethy, Katharine A-Journal Article
Apr-2021Andromonoecy in Solanum lycocarpum A. St. -Hil. (Solanaceae): Floral attributes, visitors and variation in sexual expression over timeMarcelo, Vanessa G; de Brito, Vinicius L G; Vallejo-Marín, Mario; Consolaro, Helder-Journal Article
Jun-2021Using seed respiration as a tool for calculating optimal soaking times for 'on-farm' seed priming of barley (Hordeum vulgare)Carrillo-Reche, Javier; Newton, Adrian C; Quilliam, Richard S-Journal Article
2021The Polarimetric Detection Optimization Filter and Its Statistical Test for Ship DetectionLiu, Tao; Jiang, Yanni; Marino, Armando; Gao, Gui; Yang, Jian-Journal Article
Mar-2021African forest and savannah elephants treated as separate speciesHart, John; Gobush, Kathleen; Maisels, Fiona; Wasser, Sam; Okita-Ouma, Benson; Slotow, Rob-Journal Article
15-Mar-2021Boulder sizes and shapes on asteroids: A comparative study of Eros, Itokawa and RyuguMichikami, Tatsuhiro; Hagermann, Axel-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 2604

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.