Literature and Languages eTheses : [145] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of theses produced by Literature and Languages students.

Note: Some items may not be viewable as they are being prepared for publication.

The copyright in theses in this collection remains with the author, unless it is stated to have been assigned to the University of Stirling. The University of Stirling reserves the right to keep electronic copies for consultation in both cases.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 145
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
4-Dec-2024Life writing the liminal figure: Boundaries of identity and narrative fragmentationTavener-Smith, Taryn-Thesis or Dissertation
Nov-2024FREEDOM ROAD: A Creative-Critical Exploration of the Life and Work of Peter Mackay through BiofictionMitchell, Janine Louise-Thesis or Dissertation
Mar-2024"A jubilee of rot": Degradations of the dead and mourning in twentieth-century United States American gothic literatureWilliams, Nicolette A-Thesis or Dissertation
28-Aug-2023Poe's Supernatural Ambiguity: A Historical Stylistic StudyChu, Tsai-Yi-Thesis or Dissertation
7-Apr-2024Whose Words Are We Reading? The Cartelisation of Anglophone Trade Book Publishing and Its Postcolonial Impact: The Case of IndiaMisra, Sonali-Thesis or Dissertation
26-Mar-2024Supernatural spectacle cinema: the anxiety of un-belonging and the haunted house in contemporary Hollywood horror filmsSedgwick, Laura J-Thesis or Dissertation
28-Feb-2023Explicitness and explicitation through the use of connectives in translation: A corpus-based study of English-Chinese scientific research articlesChen, Shuyin-Thesis or Dissertation
2023Investigating trainee interpreters’ cognitive load in simultaneous interpreting and sight translationLi, Duoduo-Thesis or Dissertation
Nov-2023Kafka's warColyer, Howard-Thesis or Dissertation
Feb-2023A corpus-based CDA study of ideological mediation through translation shifts: an analysis of the official Chinese-English translation of the governance of ChinaYang, Shu-Thesis or Dissertation
Aug-2023Publishing in Scotland 1970–2020: from cultural heritage to global engagementPiotrowska, Alice-Thesis or Dissertation
Jul-2023‘Like a bird caught in cobwebs’: gender and genre in Anglophone conspiracy fiction, 1959-2003Babarczi, Zita-Thesis or Dissertation
13-Oct-2023Problematic Publishing and Progressive Symbolic Capital in the 21st CenturyBullen, Chiara-Thesis or Dissertation
5-Jun-2023Representing Reactive attachment disorder in contemporary fiction: creating new paths for neurodiverse charactersLiebnitz, Natalia-Thesis or Dissertation
Dec-2022An American haunting: the horror of colonisation and the power of spirits in Euro-American and indigenous American Gothic 1980s - 2000sSchoonover, Madelyn-Thesis or Dissertation
20-Aug-2023Translating Jane Austen’s narratives across time and space in mainland ChinaLi, Qi-Thesis or Dissertation
23-Apr-2023(On) Reading Louise Bennett, ProverbiallyLobban, Aileen S B-Thesis or Dissertation
22-Nov-2022Simultaneous Interpreting with text: training implications for the language pair Chinese - EnglishLiu, Yalan-Thesis or Dissertation
29-Jul-2022An autoethnography of lifestories recorded on the community radio on the island of BarraKielty Ross, Janice-Thesis or Dissertation
1-Apr-2022Intellectual culture and Episcopal identity in Scottish Episcopal libraries: the case of the Brechin Library, 1780-1880Rutherford, Mhairi Heather-Thesis or Dissertation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 145