Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport eTheses : [217] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of theses produced by students from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport.

Note: Some items may not be viewable as they are being prepared for publication.

The copyright in theses in this collection remains with the author, unless it is stated to have been assigned to the University of Stirling. The University of Stirling reserves the right to keep electronic copies for consultation in both cases.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 217
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Mar-2022The role of alcohol packaging as a marketing and social marketing tool: A mixed methods study in the United KingdomJones, Daniel-Thesis or Dissertation
Oct-2021Investigating the Impacts of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Cognitive and Neurophysiological Measures in Former AthletesGarnes, Brannon-Thesis or Dissertation
15-Jun-2022Getting it right? the role of children’s services with families with precarious immigration statusCalum, Lindsay-Thesis or Dissertation
Nov-2021An investigation into the role of a registered nurse during a patient admission to a hospiceWatson, Flora-Thesis or Dissertation
Apr-2022Care, Compassion and Self-compassion: A Mixed Methods, Realistic Evaluation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)McLaren, Julie-Thesis or Dissertation
Nov-2021Treating Achilles tendon pain and function – A feasibility study of High-Volume Ultrasound Guided Injections Verses Eccentric Loading ExercisesVeto, John A-Thesis or Dissertation
20-Jul-2022Salivary α-amylase gene 1 (AMY1) copy number variation and association with inter-individual differences in body composition and response to carbohydrates intakeAlmasoudi, Seham-Thesis or Dissertation
10-Dec-2021Complex Trauma Presentations in Eating Disorder Patients Across Scotland and Perceptions of Trauma-informed CareHulse, Laura-Thesis or Dissertation
Jun-2021Exploring and Examining Antidepressant Prescribing and Doses used in Primary Care, in Scotland, to Treat DepressionJohnson, Christopher F-Thesis or Dissertation
Nov-2021Examining the relationship between menstrual cycle phase with metabolic control and adipose tissue microRNA expressionMacGregor, Kirstin A-Thesis or Dissertation
Dec-2021Faith, Community and Football: The Life of Brother WalfridConnolly, Michael J-Thesis or Dissertation
Nov-2021Designing an intervention to support carers of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorderLamont, Emma-Thesis or Dissertation
11-Nov-2021Patients' experiences and perceptions of an outpatient systemic anti-cancer therapy service - Implementing a new pre-assessment care pathway for lung cancer patientsMcgowan, Donna Louise-Thesis or Dissertation
Nov-2021Longitudinal effects of self-care (and baseline quality of life) on caregiver burden and quality-of-life outcomes in patients with heart failure and their family caregiversThomson, Robert-Thesis or Dissertation
26-Sep-2021An investigation into the recruitment and retention factors of nurses who work across Northern Scotland’s remotest island communities using a life history methodologyRice, Christopher-Thesis or Dissertation
May-2021Effects of a structured communication strategy on anxiety, uncertainty and satisfaction with care in families of critically ill adultsScott, Pamela-Thesis or Dissertation
3-Jan-2022The Influence of Weekly Sprint Volume and Maximal Velocity Exposures on Eccentric Hamstring Strength in Professional Football PlayersShah, Sunnan-Thesis or Dissertation
14-Sep-2021A sequential mixed-method investigation of coaches' impact on athletes' fear of failure and achievement goalsTaylor, Simon G-Thesis or Dissertation
28-Feb-2021Improving health outcomes for Syrian refugee women and children: an Appreciative Inquiry study on the role of the health visitorClarke, Kathleen Mary-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Jun-2021Nalmefene for the treatment of alcohol dependence: a mixed-methods study of primary care prescribing patterns, pharmaceutical marketing and other influencesSharp, Clare-Thesis or Dissertation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 217