Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport eTheses : [217] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of theses produced by students from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport.

Note: Some items may not be viewable as they are being prepared for publication.

The copyright in theses in this collection remains with the author, unless it is stated to have been assigned to the University of Stirling. The University of Stirling reserves the right to keep electronic copies for consultation in both cases.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 217 of 217
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
2002Outcomes in the community care community mental health care quality of life and the perspective of service users a comparative study in Scotland and GermanyKaemmerer-Ruetten, Ursula-Thesis or Dissertation
2002Sport, imperialism and postcolonialism: a critical analysis of sport in China 1860-1993Hwang, Dong-Jhy-Thesis or Dissertation
2008Fluid and electrolyte balance during indoor tennis match playLott, Matthew J. E.-Thesis or Dissertation
May-2008'The STORK Study' : the Scottish trial of refer or keep : Midwives' Intrapartum Decision MakingStyles, Maggie-Thesis or Dissertation
Jul-2008Neuromuscular Characteristics of Multiple Sclerosis PatientsScott, Sasha Margaret-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Apr-2008Leaving competitive sport: Scottish female athletes’ experiences of sport career transitionsGilmore, Orla-Thesis or Dissertation
Jun-2008The development and testing of an algorithm to support midwives’ diagnosis of active labour in primiparous womenCheyne, Helen-Thesis or Dissertation
Mar-2008An action research inquiry exploring the transfer of pain knowledge from a continuing education course into practiceSmith, Annetta-Thesis or Dissertation
Mar-2008Evaluation of a nurse-led intervention (SNA↔P) to improve patients' experiences of chemotherapy-related nausea and fatigueMiller, Morven I.-Thesis or Dissertation
May-2008A randomised controlled trial of an audiovisual patient information intervention in cancer clinical trialsHutchison, Catherine B.-Thesis or Dissertation
Mar-2007An exploration of patients' perceived control, self efficacy and involvement in self care during chemotherapy for colorectal cancerKidd, Lisa-Thesis or Dissertation
31-Dec-2006Injury to health :a forensic audit of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (1972-2005) with special reference to congenital Minamata diseaseGilbertson, Michael-Thesis or Dissertation
Sep-2006An exploratory study of priority setting in gynaecology nursing practiceMorrison, Audrey-Thesis or Dissertation
Jun-2007Spinal cord compression secondary to cancer: disability and rehabilitationEva, Gail E.-Thesis or Dissertation
Jun-2007How people present symptoms of Acute Coronary Syndrome to health services: an analysis using the Commonsense Model of Self-RegulationFarquharson, Barbara-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Apr-2007Well-being and expression of self in dementia: interactions in long-term wards and creative sessions.Kelly, Fiona-Thesis or Dissertation
Feb-2006The Origins, Governance and Social Structure of Club Cross Country Running in Scotland, 1885 – 1914Telfer, Hamish McDonald-Thesis or Dissertation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 217 of 217