Biological and Environmental Sciences Letters (Published in a Journal) : [9] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of letters (published in a journal) produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Mar-2024Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investmentEppley, Timothy M.; Reuter, Kim E.; Sefczek, Timothy M.; Tinsman, Jen; Santini, Luca; Hoeks, Selwyn; Andriantsaralaza, Seheno; Shanee, Sam; Fiore, Anthony Di; Setchell, Joanna M.; Strier, Karen B.; Abanyam, Peter A.; Mutalib, Aini Hasanah Abd; Maisels, Fiona; Morgan, Bethan J.-Letter
2021Global costs of plant invasions must not be underestimatedNovoa, Ana; Moodley, Desika; Catford, Jane A.; Golivets, Marina; Bufford, Jennifer; Essl, Franz; Lenzner, Bernd; Pattison, Zarah; Pyšek, Petr-Letter
2022Risk and reward of the global truffle sector under predicted climate changeCejka, Tomas; Isaac, Elizabeth L; Oliach, Daniel; Martinez-Pena, Fernando; Egli, Simon; Thomas, Paul; Trnka, Miroslav; Buntgen, Ulf-Letter
2021Surviving as a young scientist in BrazilSilva, Celso H L Junior; Moura, Yhasmin M; Pessôa, Ana C M; Trevisan, Diego P; Mendes, Flavia S; Reis, Joao B C; Picoli, Michelle C A; Wiederkehr, Natalia C; Carvalho, Nathalia S; Dalagnol, Ricardo; Kuck, Tahisa N; Rosan, Thais M; Silva, Thiago S F; Liesenberg, Veraldo; Bispo, Polyanna C-Letter
Jul-2020Spectral response of chlorophyll content during leaf senescence in European beech treesMorley, Peter J; Jump, Alistair S; West, Martin D; Donoghue, Daniel N M-Letter
2020Spatial priorities for conserving the most intact biodiverse forests within Central AfricaGrantham, Hedley S; Shapiro, Aurelie; Bonfils, Djoan; Gond, Valery; Goldman, Lisa; Maisels, Fiona; Plumptre, Andrew; Rayden, Tim; Robinson, John; Strindberg, Samantha; Stokes, Emma; Tulloch, Ayesha I T T; Watson, James E M; Williams, Lauren; Rickenbach, Olivia-Letter
9-Sep-2019Exploring the relation between remotely sensed vertical canopy structure and tree species diversity in GabonMarselis, Suzanne Mariëlle; Tang, Hao; Armston, John; Abernethy, K A; Alonso, Alfonso; Barbier, Nicolas; Bissiengou, Pulchérie; Jeffery, K J; Kenfack, David; Labrière, Nicolas; Lee, Seung Kuk; Lewis, Simon L; Memiaghe, Hervé; Poulsen, John R; White, Lee; Dubayah, Ralph-Letter
Oct-2019Detection of Wind Turbines in Intertidal Areas Using SAR PolarimetryFerrentino, Emanuele; Nunziata, Ferdinando; Marino, Armando; Migliaccio, Maurizio; Li, Xiaoming-Letter
11-Feb-2019Decision Trees for Data Publishing May Exacerbate Conservation ConflictMinderman, Jeroen; Cusack, Jeremy J; Duthie, A Bradley; Jones, Isabel L; Pozo, Rocio A; Rakotonarivo, O Sarobidy; Bunnefeld, Nils-Letter
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9