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dc.contributor.authorWatkinson, Mylesen_UK
dc.contributor.authorBrownlee, Alexanderen_UK
dc.contributor.otherWagner, Markusen_UK
dc.description.abstractGenetic improvement is a young and growing field. With much research still to be done, a number of tools to support the research community have emerged, with Gin being one such tool targeted at GI for Java. One core component of Gin is the profiler, which is used to identify ‘hot’ methods in target applications: methods where the CPU spends most time and so may offer the most fertile sections of code for improvements to run time. Gin’s profiler is HPROF, which was included with JDKs up to version 8. HPROF is no longer supported and so needs replaced if Gin is to support later versions of Java. Furthermore, little investigation has been made within the GI community comparing different profiling approaches. With this paper and its associated & accepted pull request, we replace Gin’s CPU profiler to allow Gin to be applied to current Java code.en_UK
dc.relationWatkinson M & Brownlee A (2023) Updating Gin's profiler for current Java. Wagner M (Researcher) In: <i>GI '23: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement</i>. The 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement, at the International Conference on Software Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 14.05.2023-20.05.2023. New York: ACM.en_UK
dc.rightsThis item has been embargoed for a period. During the embargo please use the Request a Copy feature at the foot of the Repository record to request a copy directly from the author. You can only request a copy if you wish to use this work for your own research or private study.en_UK
dc.titleUpdating Gin's profiler for current Javaen_UK
dc.typeConference Paperen_UK
dc.rights.embargoreason[GI2023_Gin_Profiler.pdf] Until this work is published there will be an embargo on the full text of this work.en_UK
dc.type.statusAM - Accepted Manuscripten_UK
dc.citation.btitleGI '23: Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvementen_UK
dc.citation.conferencedates2023-05-14 - 2023-05-20en_UK
dc.citation.conferencelocationMelbourne, Australiaen_UK
dc.citation.conferencenameThe 12th International Workshop on Genetic Improvement, at the International Conference on Software Engineeringen_UK
dc.publisher.addressNew Yorken_UK
dc.description.notesOutput Status: Forthcomingen_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Adelaideen_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationComputing Scienceen_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Melbourneen_UK
rioxxterms.apcnot requireden_UK
rioxxterms.typeConference Paper/Proceeding/Abstracten_UK
local.rioxx.authorWatkinson, Myles|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorBrownlee, Alexander|0000-0003-2892-5059en_UK
local.rioxx.projectInternal Project|University of Stirling|
local.rioxx.contributorWagner, Markus|en_UK
Appears in Collections:Computing Science and Mathematics Conference Papers and Proceedings

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