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Appears in Collections:Law and Philosophy Policy Documents
Title: Online Advertising Programme Consultation Response, BILETA
Author(s): Krokida, Zoi
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Issue Date: 8-Jun-2022
Date Deposited: 22-Dec-2022
Citation: Krokida Z (2022) <i>Online Advertising Programme Consultation Response, BILETA</i>. Call for views from the Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport. London.
Abstract: Online Advertising Programme Consultation Response, BILETA Prepared on behalf of the British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA) by Dr Edina Harbinja, Dr Mark Leiser, Mr Gavin Sutter, Dr Zoi Krokida. The British and Irish Law Education Technology Association (BILETA) was formed in April 1986 to promote, develop and communicate high-quality research and knowledge on technology law and policy to organisations, governments, professionals, students and the public. BILETA also promotes the use of and research into technology at all stages of education. The present inquiry raises technological, economic and legal challenges that our membership explores in their research. As such, we believe that our contribution will add to the public discourse and the inquiry on the future of UK human rights law.
Type: Policy Document
Rights: Use in this Repository permitted under the Open Government Licence:
Affiliation: Law

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