History and Politics Book Chapters and Sections : [223] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of book chapters and sections produced by History and Politics staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 223
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
2024Should Have KnownVonnak, DianaSereda, Ostap; Trencsebyi, Balazs; Zemiliakova, Tetiana; Lancereau, GuillaumePart of book or chapter of book
2025Making and Unmaking the Cold War in MuseumsNehring, Holger; Alberti, Samuel J M M; Douthwaite, JessicaDouthwaite, Jessica; Nehring, Holger; Alberti, Samuel J M MPart of book or chapter of book
2025Anchoring Museum Objects in the Cold War: The Hidden Meanings of a Transatlantic Telephone CableNehring, HolgerDouthwaite, Jessica; Nehring, Holger; Alberti, Samuel J M MPart of book or chapter of book
2024'What Colour Was The Cold War'Douthwaite, JessicaDouthwaite, Jessica; Nehring, Holger; Alberti, Samuel J M MPart of book or chapter of book
2022Epilogue: the British way in corruptionCawood, Ian; Crook, TomCawood, Ian; Crook, TomPart of book or chapter of book
19-Sep-2022The Sound of Blasphemy in Early Twentieth-Century Spain: Vulgarity, Violence and the CrowdKerry, MatthewBouwers, Eveline G; Nash, David SPart of book or chapter of book
25-Oct-2022The Last Echo of 1917? The Asturian October between Revolution and AntifascismKerry, MatthewBerger, Stefan; Weinhauer, KlausPart of book or chapter of book
2022Feminist Peace Research in Europe: A SnapshotHaastrup, ToniStern, Maria; Towns, Ann EPart of book or chapter of book
2022Enabling Transformative Change in the Post-2020 EraKok, Marcel T J; Tsioumani, Elsa; Bliss, Cebuan; Immovilli, Marco; Keune, Hans; Morgera, Elisa; Ruegg, Simon; Schapper, Andrea; Vijge, Marjanneke; Zinngrebe, Yves; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid JVisseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Kok, MarcelPart of book or chapter of book
2022Mainstreaming the animal in biodiversity governance: Broadening the moral and legal community to nonhumansSchapper, Andrea; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Humphreys, David; Bliss, CebuanKok, Marcel; Visseren-Hamakers, IngridPart of book or chapter of book
2022Island Empire: James VI and I and the Isle of Man in an archipelagic contextCathcart, AlisonCathcart, Alison; McIntyre, NeilPart of book or chapter of book
1-Sep-2016MemoryDouthwaite, Jessica; Hogg, JonathanHogg, Jonathan; Balderstone, LauraPart of book or chapter of book
2020Medical Societies and the Scottish EnlightenmentJenkinson, JacquelineWallace, Mark C; Rendall, JanePart of book or chapter of book
31-Dec-2019Options for Decision MakersRazzaque, Jona; Visseren-Hamakers, Ingrid; Prasad Gautam, Ambika; Gerber, Leah; Islar, Mine; Saiful Karim, Md; Kelemen, Eszter; Liu, Jinlong; Lui, Gabriel; McElwee, Pamela; Mohammed, Abrar; Mungatana, Eric; Muradian, Roldan; Rusch, Graciela M; Schapper, AndreaSonnewend Brondízio, Eduardo; Settele, Josef; Diaz, Sandra; Ngo, Hien ThuPart of book or chapter of book
2019Duthac Wigmore and Ninian Wallace: Scottish saints and personal names in the later middle agesTurpie, TomHammond, MatthewPart of book or chapter of book
2005Introduction: Parliament and Politics in Scotland, 1567-1707Brown, Keith M; Mann, Alastair JBrown, Keith M; Mann, Alastair JPart of book or chapter of book
2005'James VII, King of the Aricles': Political Management and Parliamentary FailureMann, Alastair JBrown, Keith M; Mann, Alastair JPart of book or chapter of book
2018The political parties and party systemDunleavy, Patrick; Kippin, SeanDunleavy, Patrick; Park, Alice; Taylor, RosPart of book or chapter of book
2018Accountability of the security and intelligence servicesKippin, SeanDunleavy, Patrick; Park, Alice; Taylor, RosPart of book or chapter of book
2018How undemocratic is the House of Lords?Campion, Sonali; Kippin, SeanDunleavy, Patrick; Park, Alice; Taylor, RosPart of book or chapter of book
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 223