Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2545] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2545
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Aug-2024Food-sourcing from on-farm trees mediates positive relationships between tree cover and dietary quality in MalawiVansant, Emilie; den Braber, Bowy; Hall, Charlotte; Kamoto, Judith; Reiner, Florian; Oldekop, Johan; Rasmussen, Laura Vang-Journal Article
7-Aug-2024Survival and transfer potential of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium colonising polyethylene microplastics in contaminated agricultural soilsWoodford, Luke; Fellows, Rosie; White, Hannah L; Ormsby, Michael J; Pow, Chloe J; Quilliam, Richard S-Journal Article
Nov-2024Exploring Global Remote Sensing Products for Water Quality Assessment: Lake Nicaragua case studyBaltodano, Analy; Agramont, Afnan; Lekarkar, Katoria; Spyrakos, Evangelos; Reusen, Ils; van Griensven, Ann-Journal Article
11-Jan-2024A New Algorithm Using Support Vector Machines to Detect and Monitor Bloom-Forming Pseudo-nitzschia from OLCI DataGonzález Vilas, Luis; Spyrakos, Evangelos; Pazos, Yolanda; Torres Palenzuela, Jesus M-Journal Article
1-Oct-2024The plastisphere can protect Salmonella Typhimurium from UV stress under simulated environmental conditionsOrmsby, Michael J.; Woodford, Luke; White, Hannah L.; Fellows, Rosie; Quilliam, Richard S.-Journal Article
Jul-2024Invertebrate responses to rewilding: a monitoring framework for practitionersCook, Patrick; Law, Alan; Pattison, Zarah; WallisDeVries, Michiel F.; Willby, Nigel J.-Journal Article
2024Preliminary analysis of wind and wave retrieval from Chinese 1mC-SAR imageZhou, Yu-Hang; Hao, Meng-Yu; Shao, Wei-Zeng; Marino, Armando; Song, Xin-Gai; Jiang, Xing-Wei-Journal Article
Dec-2024Health and wellbeing (dis)benefits of accessing inland blue spaces over the course of the COVID-19 pandemicGrace, Megan J; Dickie, Jen; Bartie, Phil J; Oliver, David M-Journal Article
Dec-2022Forests support people’s food and nutrition security through multiple pathways in low- and middle-income countriesOlesen, Rasmus Skov; Hall, Charlotte M.; Rasmussen, Laura Vang-Journal Article
Aug-2024Impacts of droughts and human activities on water quantity and quality: Remote sensing observations of Lake Qadisiyah, IraqJiang, Dalin; Jones, Ian; Liu, Xiaohan; Simis, Stefan G H; Cretaux, Jean-Francois; Albergel, Clement; Spyrakos, Evangelos-Journal Article
1-Sep-2024Plastic pollution and human pathogens: Towards a conceptual shift in risk management at bathing water and beach environmentsOliver, David M; Metcalf, Rebecca; Jones, Davey L; Matallana-Surget, Sabine; Thomas, David N; Robins, Peter; Tulloch, Constance L; Cotterell, Benjamin M; Williams, Gwion; Christie-Oleza, Joseph A; Quilliam, Richard S-Journal Article
Feb-2024Even low levels of tree cover improve dietary quality in West Africaden Braber, Bowy; Hall, Charlotte; Brandt, Martin; Reiner, Florian; Mugabowindekwe, Maurice; Rasmussen, Laura Vang-Journal Article
Feb-2024Predator‐induced shape plasticity in Daphnia pulexPaplauskas, Sam; Morton, Oscar; Hunt, Mollie; Courage, Ashleigh; Swanney, Stephanie; Dennis, Stuart R.; Becker, Dörthe; Auld, Stuart K. J. R.; Beckerman, Andrew P.-Journal Article
6-Oct-2023Forest regrowth improves people’s dietary quality in NigeriaRasmussen, Laura Vang; den Braber, Bowy; Hall, Charlotte M; Rhemtulla, Jeanine M; Fagan, Matthew E; Sunderland, Terry-Journal Article
Aug-2021The impact of climate and societal change on food and nutrition security: A case study of MalawiHall, Charlotte; Macdiarmid, Jennie I; Smith, Pete; Dawson, Terrence P-Journal Article
8-Mar-2022Deforestation reduces fruit and vegetable consumption in rural TanzaniaHall, Charlotte M; Rasmussen, Laura Vang; Powell, Bronwen; Dyngeland, Cecilie; Jung, Suhyun; Olesen, Rasmus Skov-Journal Article
Jun-2019The relationship between forest cover and diet quality: a case study of rural southern MalawiHall, C; Macdiarmid, J I; Matthews, R B; Smith, P; Hubbard, S F; Dawson, T P-Journal Article
Jul-2024Floral scent changes in response to pollen removal are rare in buzz-pollinated SolanumMoore, C. Douglas; Farman, Dudley I.; Särkinen, Tiina; Stevenson, Philip C.; Vallejo-Marín, Mario-Journal Article
Apr-2024Larger and structurally complex woodland creation sites provide greater benefits for woodland plantsWaddell, Emily H.; Fuentes‐Montemayor, Elisa; Park, Kirsty J.; Carey, Peter; Guy, Matt; Macgregor, Nicholas A.; Watts, Kevin-Journal Article
21-May-2024Scaling up area-based conservation to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework's 30x30 target: The role of Nature's StrongholdsRobinson, John G; Labruna, Danielle; O'brien, Tim; Clyne, Peter J; Dudley, Nigel; Andelman, Sandy J; Bennett, Elizabeth L; Chicchon, Avecita; Durigan, Carlos; Grantham, Hedley; Kinnaird, Margaret; Lieberman, Sue; Maisels, Fiona; Moreira, Adriana; Rao, Madhu-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 2545