Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal Articles : [2604] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1141 to 1160 of 2604
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
1-Sep-2018Constraining the parameter space of comet simulation experimentsKaufmann, Erika; Hagermann, Axel-Journal Article
30-Nov-2018Macrophyte assessment in European lakes: Diverse approaches but convergent views of 'good' ecological statusPoikane, Sandra; Portielje, Rob; Denys, Luc; Elferts, Didzis; Kelly, Martyn; Kolada, Agnieszka; Mäemets, Helle; Phillips, Geoff; Søndergaard, Martin; Willby, Nigel; van den Berg, Marcel S-Journal Article
1-Sep-2018Earth and moon observations by thermal infrared imager on Hayabusa2 and the application to detectability of asteroid 162173 RyuguOkada, Tatsuaki; Fukuhara, Tetsuya; Tanaka, Satoshi; Taguchi, Makoto; Arai, Takehiko; Senshu, Hiroki; Demura, Hirohide; Ogawa, Yoshiko; Kouyama, Toru; Sakatani, Naoya; Takita, Jun; Sekiguchi, Tomohiko; Helbert, Jorn; Mueller, Thomas G; Hagermann, Axel-Journal Article
1-Oct-2018The seaweed fly (Coelopidae) can facilitate environmental survival and transmission of E. coli O157 at sandy beachesSwinscoe, Isobel; Oliver, David M.; Gilburn, Andre S.; Quilliam, Richard S.-Journal Article
30-Jun-2018Short term changes in moisture content drive strong changes in Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and gross primary productivity in four Arctic moss communitiesMay, Jeremy L; Parker, Thomas; Unger, Steven; Oberbauer, Steven F-Journal Article
1-Dec-2016A systematic review of the reliability and validity of discrete choice experiments in valuing non-market environmental goodsRakotonarivo, O Sarobidy; Schaafsma, Marije; Hockley, Neal-Journal Article
-Exploring drivers of litter decomposition in a greening Arctic: Results from a transplant experiment across a tree-line (Forthcoming)Parker, Thomas C; Sanderman, Jonathan; Holden, Robert D; Blume-Werry, Gesche; Sjögersten, Sofie; Large, David; Castro-Díaz, Miguel; Street, Lorna E; Subke, Jens-Arne; Wookey, Philip A-Journal Article
30-Jun-2018The Prismatic Topography of Pinctada maxima Shell Retains Stem Cell Multipotency and Plasticity In VitroAnakpa, Enateri; Saeed, Anwer; Chung, Peter; Riehle, Mathis O; Gadegaard, Nikolaj; Dalby, Matthew John; Cusack, Maggie-Journal Article
15-Jun-2018Using stable isotopes to estimate travel times in a data-sparse Arctic catchment: Challenges and possible solutionsTetzlaff, Doerthe; Piovano, Thea; Ala-Aho, Pertti; Smith, Aaron; Carey, Sean K; Marsh, Philip; Wookey, Philip A; Street, Lorna E; Soulsby, Chris-Journal Article
15-Jun-2018Primates in peril: the significance of Brazil, Madagascar, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo for global primate conservationEstrada, Alejandro; Garber, Paul A; Mittermeier, Russell A; Wich, Serge; Gouveia, Sidney; Dobrovolski, Ricardo; Nekaris, K A I; Nijman, Vincent; Rylands, Anthony B; Maisels, Fiona; Williamson, Elizabeth A; Bicca-Marques, Julio; Fuentes, Agustin; Jerusalinsky, Leandro; Johnson, Steig-Journal Article
31-Oct-2018Using fluid dynamic concepts to estimate species movement rates in terrestrial landscapesJones, Thomas J; Watts, Kevin; Whytock, Robin C-Journal Article
31-Dec-2018Atmospheric correction of Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI data using iCOR algorithm: validation for coastal and inland watersDe Keukelaere, Liesbeth; Sterckx, Sindy; Adriaensen, Stefan; Knaeps, Els; Reusen, Ils; Giardino, Claudia; Bresciani, Mariano; Hunter, Peter; Neil, Claire; Van der Zande, Dimitry; Vaiciute, Diana-Journal Article
15-Jul-2018Particle size distributions in chondritic meteorites: Evidence for pre-planetesimal historiesSimon, Justin I; Cuzzi, Jeffrey N; McCain, Kaitlyn A; Cato, Michael J; Christoffersen, Peter A; Fisher, Kent R; Srinivasan, Poorna; Tait, Alastair W; Olson, Daniel M; Scargle, Jeffrey D-Journal Article
30-Jun-2017Microbial Populations of Stony Meteorites: Substrate Controls on First ColonizersTait, Alastair W; Gagen, Emma J; Wilson, Siobhan A; Tomkins, Andrew G; Southam, Gordon-Journal Article
15-Nov-2016Evidence for impact induced pressure gradients on the Allende CV3 parent body: Consequences for fluid and volatile transportTait, Alastair W; Fisher, Kent R; Srinivasan, Poorna; Simon, Justin I-Journal Article
7-Jul-2016A new integrated approach to taxonomy: The fusion of molecular and morphological systematics with type material in benthic foraminiferaRoberts, Angela; Austin, William; Evans, Katharine; Bird, Clare; Schweizer, Magali; Darling, Kate-Journal Article
31-May-2018Towards effective monitoring of tropical phenology: maximizing returns and reducing uncertainty in long‐term studiesBush, Emma R; Bunnefeld, Nils; Dimoto, Edmond; Dikangadissi, Jean‐Thoussaint; Jeffery, Kathryn; Tutin, Caroline; White, Lee; Abernethy, Katharine A-Journal Article
31-Dec-2018Legume abundance along successional and rainfall gradients in Neotropical forestsGei, Maga; Rozendaal, Danaë M A; Poorter, Lourens; Bongers, Frans; Sprent, Janet I; Garner, Mira D; Aide, T Mitchell; Andrade, José Luis; Balvanera, Patricia; Becknell, Justin M; Brancalion, Pedro H S; Cabral, George A L; Cesar, Ricardo Gomes; Chazdon, Robin L; Dent, Daisy H-Journal Article
31-May-2018Rethinking tropical phenology: insights from long‐term monitoring and novel analytical methodsMorellato, Leonor Patricia Cerdeira; Abernethy, Katharine; Mendoza, Irene-Journal Article
31-May-2018Current issues in tropical phenology: a synthesisAbernethy, Katharine; Bush, Emma R; Forget, Pierre‐Michel; Mendoza, Irene; Morellato, Leonor Patricia C-Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1141 to 1160 of 2604

This collection contains electronic copies of journal articles produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.