Biological and Environmental Sciences eTheses : [201] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of theses produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences students.

Note: Some items may not be viewable as they are being prepared for publication.

The copyright in theses in this collection remains with the author, unless it is stated to have been assigned to the University of Stirling. The University of Stirling reserves the right to keep electronic copies for consultation in both cases.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 201
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
30-Jun-2024Global change and population dynamics: Understanding heterogeneity in European beech demography across its rear edge distributionRhoades, Jasmine-Thesis or Dissertation
15-Jul-2024The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Predicting Potentially Harmful Element Behaviour During Flooding Using PhysicochemistryMcGlade, Michael-Thesis or Dissertation
26-Apr-2024Above and Belowground Ecological Linkages in Temperate Forest SoilsAzevedo, Olivia-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Jun-2024Predicting epidemic size and disease evolution in response to environmental changePaplauskas, Sam-Thesis or Dissertation
Mar-2024Specialist river birds as bioindicators of freshwater ecosystem health in the face of complex environmental changeSteenson, Rachel S-Thesis or Dissertation
19-Apr-2024Source-to-Sea: The Transport and Storage of Organic Carbon and Iron from Forested Environments to (Fjord) SedimentsKellock, Celeste C I-Thesis or Dissertation
Dec-2023Navigating tropical landscapes; understanding how frugivore traits affect movement patterns and seed dispersal dynamicsFell, Adam-Thesis or Dissertation
7-Feb-2024Plastics and the Hidden Majority: Conservation Implications for a Threatened UK Freshwater FishRendell-Bhatti, Flora-Thesis or Dissertation
Mar-2024Monitoring marine plastic pollution using radar: from source to seaSimpson, Morgan-Thesis or Dissertation
1-Dec-2023Co-developing strategies to reduce exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in ScotlandMcCarron, Amy S-Thesis or Dissertation
14-Feb-2024The survival, persistence, and ecology of microbial pathogens on the surfaces of environmental plastic pollutionMetcalf, Rebecca-Thesis or Dissertation
1-Aug-2023Renewable Energy Decentralisation in Nepal, India and the United KingdomBoyd Williams, Natalie Alice-Thesis or Dissertation
1-Apr-2023Assessing the photo-physiology of cyanobacteria using active fluorescenceCourtecuisse, Emilie-Thesis or Dissertation
May-2023There are no longer plenty more fish in the sea The potential of wrack macro-invertebrates as an alternative source of the marine origin omega-3 fatty acids: EPA and DHARichardson, Finlay Bryson-Thesis or Dissertation
2023Causes and consequences of sexual dimorphism in mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) feeding and spatial behaviorBauld, Joshua-Thesis or Dissertation
31-Mar-2023Agent-based modelling to improve management strategy evaluation in complex problems of biodiversity conservationBach, Adrian-Thesis or Dissertation
31-Mar-2023Tropical tree and liana community recovery through secondary successionElsy, Alexander D-Thesis or Dissertation
21-Mar-2023Buzz-Pollinated Plants: Their Chemical and Behavioural EcologyMoore, C Douglas-Thesis or Dissertation
25-Jan-2023Radiological protection of the public from radioactive particlesMcGuire, Corynne-Thesis or Dissertation
31-Aug-2022Geochemical, textural and micromorphological properties of Angolan agroecosystem soils in relation to region, landscape position and land managementDe Sousa Teixeira, Lidia Paula-Thesis or Dissertation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 201