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Appears in Collections:Computing Science and Mathematics Journal Articles
Peer Review Status: Refereed
Title: On the non-existence of sympathetic Lie algebras with dimension less than 25
Author(s): Garcia Pulido, Ana Lucia
Salgado, Gil
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Keywords: Sympathetic Lie algebras
equivariant maps
inner derivations
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2023
Date Deposited: 1-Mar-2024
Citation: Garcia Pulido AL & Salgado G (2023) On the non-existence of sympathetic Lie algebras with dimension less than 25. <i>Journal of Algebra and Its Applications</i>.
Abstract: In this article we investigate the question of the lowest possible dimension that a sympathetic Lie algebra g can attain, when its Levi subalgebra gL is simple. We establish the structure of the nilradical of a perfect Lie algebra g, as a gL-module, and determine the possible Lie algebra structures that one such g admits. We prove that, as a gL-module, the nilradical must decompose into at least 4 simple modules. We explicitly calculate the semisimple derivations of a perfect Lie algebra g with Levi sub-algebra gL=sl2(C) and give necessary conditions for g to be a sympathetic Lie algebra in terms of these semisimple derivations. We show that there is no sympathetic Lie algebra of dimension lower than 15, independently of the nilradical’s decomposition. If the nilradical has 4 simple modules, we show that a sympathetic Lie algebra has dimension greater or equal than 25.
DOI Link: 10.1142/S0219498825501221
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