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Appears in Collections:Aquaculture Journal Articles
Peer Review Status: Refereed
Title: Studying interactions among anthropogenic stressors in freshwater ecosystems: A systematic review of 2396 multiple‐stressor experiments
Author(s): Orr, James A
Macaulay, Samuel J
Mordente, Adriana
Burgess, Benjamin
Albini, Dania
Hunn, Julia G
Restrepo‐Sulez, Katherin
Wilson, Ramesh
Schechner, Anne
Robertson, Aoife M
Lee, Bethany
Stuparyk, Blake R
Singh, Delezia
O'Loughlin, Isobel
Juvigny‐Khenafou, Noël P D
Contact Email:
Keywords: antagonism
global change biology
research synthesis
Issue Date: Jun-2024
Date Deposited: 18-Feb-2025
Citation: Orr JA, Macaulay SJ, Mordente A, Burgess B, Albini D, Hunn JG, Restrepo‐Sulez K, Wilson R, Schechner A, Robertson AM, Lee B, Stuparyk BR, Singh D, O'Loughlin I & Juvigny‐Khenafou NPD (2024) Studying interactions among anthropogenic stressors in freshwater ecosystems: A systematic review of 2396 multiple‐stressor experiments. <i>Ecology Letters</i>, 27 (6), Art. No.: e14463.
Abstract: Understanding the interactions among anthropogenic stressors is critical for effective conservation and management of ecosystems. Freshwater scientists have invested considerable resources in conducting factorial experiments to disentangle stressor interactions by testing their individual and combined effects. However, the diversity of stressors and systems studied has hindered previous syntheses of this body of research. To overcome this challenge, we used a novel machine learning framework to identify relevant studies from over 235,000 publications. Our synthesis resulted in a new dataset of 2396 multiple-stressor experiments in freshwater systems. By summarizing the methods used in these studies, quantifying trends in the popularity of the investigated stressors, and performing co-occurrence analysis, we produce the most comprehensive overview of this diverse field of research to date. We provide both a taxonomy grouping the 909 investigated stressors into 31 classes and an open-source and interactive version of the dataset ( Inspired by our results, we provide a framework to help clarify whether statistical interactions detected by factorial experiments align with stressor interactions of interest, and we outline general guidelines for the design of multiple-stressor experiments relevant to any system. We conclude by highlighting the research directions required to better understand freshwater ecosystems facing multiple stressors.
DOI Link: 10.1111/ele.14463
Rights: © 2024 The Author(s). Ecology Letters published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Notes: Additional authors: Jeremy J. Piggott, Jiangqiu Zhu, Khuong V. Dinh, Louise C. Archer, Marcin Penk, Minh Thi Thuy Vu, Peiyu Zhang, Philip Sanders, Ralf B. Schäfer, Rolf D. Vinebrooke, Sabine Hilt, Thomas Reed, Michelle C. Jackson
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