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dc.contributor.authorCai, Wenlongen_UK
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Surendraen_UK
dc.contributor.authorNavaneethaiyer, Umasuthanen_UK
dc.contributor.authorCaballero-Solares, Alberten_UK
dc.contributor.authorCarvalho, Laura Aen_UK
dc.contributor.authorWhyte, Shona Ken_UK
dc.contributor.authorPurcell, Sara Len_UK
dc.contributor.authorGagne, Nellieen_UK
dc.contributor.authorHori, Tiago Sen_UK
dc.contributor.authorAllen, Melissaen_UK
dc.contributor.authorTaylor, Richard Gen_UK
dc.contributor.authorBalder, Rachelen_UK
dc.contributor.authorParrish, Christopher Cen_UK
dc.contributor.authorRise, Matthew Len_UK
dc.contributor.authorFast, Mark Den_UK
dc.description.abstractSea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) are ectoparasitic copepods that cause significant economic loss in marine salmoniculture. In commercial salmon farms, infestation with sea lice can enhance susceptibility to other significant pathogens, such as the highly contagious infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAv). In this study, transcriptomic analysis was used to evaluate the impact of four experimental functional feeds (i.e. 0.3% EPA/DHA+high-ω6, 0.3% EPA/DHA+high-ω6+immunostimulant (IS), 1% EPA/DHA+high-ω6, and 1% EPA/DHA+high-ω3) on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) during a single infection with sea lice (L. salmonis) and a co-infection with sea lice and ISAv. The overall objectives were to compare the transcriptomic profiles of skin between lice infection alone with co-infection groups and assess differences in gene expression response among animals with different experimental diets. Atlantic salmon smolts were challenged with L. salmonis following a 28-day feeding trial. Fish were then challenged with ISAv at 18 days post-sea lice infection (dpi), and maintained on individual diets, to establish a co-infection model. Skin tissues sampled at 33 dpi were subjected to RNA-seq analysis. The co-infection’s overall survival rates were between 37%-50%, while no mortality was observed in the single infection with lice. With regard to the infection status, 756 and 1303 consensus differentially expressed genes (DEGs) among the four diets were identified in “lice infection vs. pre-infection” and “co-infection vs. pre-infection” groups, respectively, that were shared between the four experimental diets. The co-infection groups (co-infection vs. pre-infection) included up-regulated genes associated with glycolysis, the interferon pathway, complement cascade activity, and heat shock protein family, while the down-regulated genes were related to antigen presentation and processing, T-cell activation, collagen formation, and extracellular matrix. Pathway enrichment analysis conducted between infected groups (lice infection vs. co-infection) resulted in several immune-related significant GO terms and pathways unique to this group, such as “autophagosome”, “cytosolic DNA-sensing pathway” and “response to type I interferons”. Understanding how experimental functional feeds can impact the host response and the trajectory of co-infections will be an essential step in identifying efficacious intervention strategies that account for the complexities of disease in open cage culture.en_UK
dc.publisherFrontiers Media SAen_UK
dc.relationCai W, Kumar S, Navaneethaiyer U, Caballero-Solares A, Carvalho LA, Whyte SK, Purcell SL, Gagne N, Hori TS, Allen M, Taylor RG, Balder R, Parrish CC, Rise ML & Fast MD (2022) Transcriptome Analysis of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Skin in Response to Sea Lice and Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus Co-Infection Under Different Experimental Functional Diets. <i>Frontiers in Immunology</i>, 12.
dc.rightsCopyright © 2022 Cai, Kumar, Navaneethaiyer, Caballero-Solares, Carvalho, Whyte, Purcell, Gagne, Hori, Allen, Taylor, Balder, Parrish, Rise and Fast. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.en_UK
dc.subjectAtlantic Salmonen_UK
dc.subjectsea liceen_UK
dc.subjectinfectious salmon anemia virus (ISAv)en_UK
dc.subjectfunctional dietsen_UK
dc.subjectimmune responseen_UK
dc.titleTranscriptome Analysis of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Skin in Response to Sea Lice and Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus Co-Infection Under Different Experimental Functional Dietsen_UK
dc.typeJournal Articleen_UK
dc.citation.jtitleFrontiers in Immunologyen_UK
dc.type.statusVoR - Version of Recorden_UK
dc.contributor.funderNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canadaen_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Prince Edward Islanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationMemorial University of Newfoundlanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationMemorial University of Newfoundlanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationMemorial University of Newfoundlanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Prince Edward Islanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Prince Edward Islanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Prince Edward Islanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationDepartment of Fisheries and Oceans, Canadaen_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationCentre for Aquaculture Technologies Canadaen_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationCentre for Aquaculture Technologies Canadaen_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationCargill Aqua Nutritionen_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationCargill Innovation Centeren_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationMemorial University of Newfoundlanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationMemorial University of Newfoundlanden_UK
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Prince Edward Islanden_UK
rioxxterms.apcnot requireden_UK
local.rioxx.authorCai, Wenlong|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorKumar, Surendra|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorNavaneethaiyer, Umasuthan|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorCaballero-Solares, Albert|0000-0001-7693-0739en_UK
local.rioxx.authorCarvalho, Laura A|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorWhyte, Shona K|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorPurcell, Sara L|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorGagne, Nellie|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorHori, Tiago S|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorAllen, Melissa|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorTaylor, Richard G|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorBalder, Rachel|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorParrish, Christopher C|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorRise, Matthew L|en_UK
local.rioxx.authorFast, Mark D|en_UK
local.rioxx.projectProject ID unknown|Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada|en_UK
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