Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport Research Reports : [143] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of research reports produced by staff from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 143
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
9-Jun-2020Open Kindergarten: Improving Family Support Provision in ScotlandHale, Hannah; Callaghan, Jane; Gada, Andressa; Bellussi, Laura-Research Report
18-Jun-2021Motion og Bevægelse på Arbejdspladsen i en Corona-tid. En evaluering af projektet 'Flere Aktive Arbejdspladser'Wagner, Ulrik; Overbye, Marie-Research Report
Mar-2022Exploring the management of alcohol problems in Deep End practices in ScotlandMohan, Andrea; Sharp, Clare; Mitchell, Danielle; Eadie, Douglas; Fitzgerald, Niamh-Research Report
2021Agents of Change: the story of the Nursing Now campaignHolloway, Aisha; Thomson, Alice; Stilwell, Barbara; Finch, Hannah; Irwin, Kathryn; Crisp, Nigel; Watkins, Mary; Beasley, Christine-Research Report
2022Minimum Unit Pricing: Qualitative Study of the Experiences of Homeless Drinkers, Street Drinkers and Service ProvidersElliott, Lawrie; Emslie, Carol; Dimova, Elena; Whiteford, Martin; O’Brien, Rosaleen; Strachan, Heather; Johnsen, Sarah; Rush, Robert; Smith, Iain; Stockwell, Tim; Whittaker, Anne-Research Report
Sep-2021Alcohol marketing during the 2020 Six Nations ChampionshipPurves, Richard I; Critchlow, Nathan-Research Report
Apr-2021Esports athletes' needs for their holistic wellbeing - Business report: a complementary projectHong, Hee Jung; Wilkinson, Guy-Research Report
-Equine Assisted Learning for Primary School Children: Experiences of Teachers and TrainersDonaldson, Jayne; Stoppard, Lorna-Research Report
Mar-2021E-cigarette marketing in the UK: evidence from adult and youth surveys and policy compliance studiesStead, Martine; Hitchman, Sara C; Angus, Kathryn; Aleyan, Sarah; Ford, Allison; MacKintosh, Anne Marie; Purves, Richard; Mitchell, Danielle; Hammond, David; Fong, Geoffrey T; Driezen, Pete; Reid, Jessica; Craig, Lorraine; Chung-Hall, Janet; Cummings, K Michael-Research Report
2020Revisiting Data: Secondary Analysis of Qualitative Data Exploring New Public Management and Nursing Relationships in the NHSHoyle, Louise-Research Report
Feb-2019The Effect of Gambling Marketing and Advertising on Children, Young People and Vulnerable PeopleCritchlow, Nathan; Stead, Martine; Moodie, Crawford; Purves, Richard; Newall, Phillip WS; Reith, Gerda; Morgan, Amber; Dobbie, Fiona-Research Report
1-Sep-2019My Life, My Future - Evaluation of Down's Syndrome Scotland Life Story ProjectWatchman, Karen; Mattheys, Kate-Research Report
Jul-2019Lessons From The Digital Frontline: Evidence to support the implementation of better regulation of digital marketing for foods and drinks high in fat, salt and sugarCritchlow, Nathan; Angus, Kathryn; Stead, Martine; Saw, Ellen; Newberry Le Vay, Jessica; Clarke, Malcolm; Whiteside, Emily; Froguel, Alizee; Vohra, Jyotsna-Research Report
Oct-2019A systematic review of research exploring the response of consumers, retailers and tobacco companies to standardised packaging in the United KingdomMoodie, Crawford; Angus, Kathryn; Stead, Martine-Research Report
Mar-2016Process evaluation of the implementation of Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) for P1 to P3: Research with Schools and Local AuthoritiesEadie, Douglas; Ford, Allison; Stead, Martine; Chambers, Stephanie; Boydell, Nicola; Moore, Laurence; Anderson, Annie-Research Report
30-May-2014Meta-synthesis of findings from evaluations and qualitative interviews of work involving community food and its impact on mental health and wellbeingJepson, Ruth; Estrade, Michelle; Robertson, Roma; Robertson, Tony-Research Report
30-Mar-2015The nature of employment and excess mortality in Glasgow and ScotlandRobertson, Tony; Estrade, Michelle; Jepson, Ruth; Muir, Gordon; Skivington, Kathryn-Research Report
15-Jun-2018Perceptions of legitimacy, attitudes and buy-in among athlete groups: a cross-national qualitative investigation providing practical solutionsHenning, April; Dimeo, Paul-Research Report
20-May-2019Rapid systematic literature review: Impact of in-premise marketing on consumer purchasing and consumptionMartin, Laura; Angus, Kathryn; Mitchell, Danielle; Sharp, Clare; Woodman, Kate; Riches, Emma; Bauld, Linda-Research Report
Jun-2012Leadership in Compassionate Care: Final Report 2012Adamson, Elizabeth; Dewar, Belinda; Donaldson, JH; Gentleman, Mandy; Gray, Morag; Horsburgh, Dorothy; King, Linda; Kalorkoti, Jenny; MacArthur, Juliet; Maclean, Mairi; McCrossan, Gill; McIntosh, Iain; Ross, Janis; Pullin, Simon; Sloan, Sue-Research Report
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 143

This collection contains electronic copies of research reports produced by staff from the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport.