Computing Science and Mathematics Book Chapters and Sections : [65] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of book chapters and sections produced by Computing Science and Mathematics staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 65
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
-Horizon Scanning For Aquatic Food SecurityNorman, Rachel; Crumlish, MargaretCrumlish, Margaret; Norman, RachelPart of book or chapter of book
2019Characteristics and hospital activity of elderly patients receiving admission avoidance home visits: a population-level record linkage studyCristina Martin, Maria; Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley; Woolman, Paul; Kavanagh, Kimberley; Young, DavidOhno-Machado, Lucila; Seroussi, BrigittePart of book or chapter of book
2015Implementing a National Scottish Digital Health & Wellbeing Service at Scale: A Qualitative Study of Stakeholders' ViewsAgbakoba, Ruth; McGee-Lennon, Marilyn; Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley; Watson, Nicholas; Mair, FrancesSarkar, Indra Neil; Georgiou, Andrew; Mazzoncini de Azevedo Marques, PauloPart of book or chapter of book
2015Engaging in large-scale digital health technologies and services. What factors hinder recruitment?O'Connor, Siobhan; Mair, Frances S; McGee-Lennon, Marilyn; Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley; O'Donnell, KateCornet, Ronald; Stoicu-Tivadar, Lacramioara; Horbst, Alexander; Parra Calderon, Carlos Luis; Andersen, Stig Kjaer; Hercigonja, MiraPart of book or chapter of book
15-Aug-2013A study of information management in the patient surgical pathway in NHSScotlandBouamrane, Matt-Mouley; Mair, Frances SLehmann, Christoph Ulrich; Ammemwerth, Elske; Nohr, ChristianPart of book or chapter of book
2019Experts Views on the Use of Mobile Devices to Support Patients with Mild Learning Disabilities During Clinical ConsultationsGibson, Ryan Colin; Bouamrane, Matt-Mouley; Dunlop, MarkOhno-Machado, Lucila; Seroussi, BrigittePart of book or chapter of book
28-Dec-2023Enhancing Genetic Improvement Mutations Using Large Language ModelsBrownlee, Alexander; Callan, James; Even-Mendoza, Karine; Geiger, Alina; Hanna, Carol; Petke, Justyna; Sarro, Federica; Sobania, DominikArcaini, Paolo; Yue, Tao; Fredericks, Erik MPart of book or chapter of book
2020Finding the Maximal Independent Sets of a Graph Including the Maximum Using a Multivariable Continuous Polynomial Objective Optimization FormulationHeal, Maher; Li, JingpengArai, Kohei; Kapoor, Supriya; Bhatia, RahulPart of book or chapter of book
2006BOA for Nurse SchedulingLi, Jingpeng; Aickelin, UweCantúPaz, Erick; Pelikan, Martin; Sastry, KumaraPart of book or chapter of book
2016Opening the Black Box: Analysing MLP Functionality Using Walsh FunctionsSwingler, KevinMerelo, JJ; Rosa, A; Cadenas, JM; Dourado, A; Madani, K; Filipe, JConference Paper
31-Dec-2018A Case Study of Closed-Domain Response Suggestion with Limited Training DataGalke, Lukas; Gerstenkorn, Gunnar; Scherp, AnsgarElloumi, M; Granitzer, M; Hameurlain, A; Seifert, C; Stein, B; Tjoa, AM; Wagner, RConference Paper
2007Multi-robot search and rescue: A potential field based approachBaxter, Joseph L; Burke, Edmund; Garibaldi, Jonathan M; Norman, MarkMukhopadhyay, SC; Gupta, GSPart of book or chapter of book
2012An evolutionary algorithm for the over-constrained airport baggage sorting station assignment problemAsco, Amadeo; Atkin, Jason A D; Burke, EdmundBui, LT; Ong, YS; Hoai, NX; Ishibuchi, H; Suganthan, PNConference Paper
2008A metaheuristic approach to aircraft departure scheduling at London Heathrow airportAtkin, Jason A D; Burke, Edmund; Greenwood, John S; Reeson, DaleHickman, M; Mirchandani, P; Voss, SPart of book or chapter of book
2011An adaptive tie breaking and hybridisation hyper-heuristic for exam timetabling problemsBurke, Edmund; Qu, Rong; Soghier, AmrPelta, Da; Krasnogor, N; Dumitrescu D, D; Chira, C; Lung, RPart of book or chapter of book
2012Decoding network activity from LFPS: A computational approachMahmud, Mufti; Travalin, Davide; Hussain, AmirHuang, T; Zeng, Z; Li, C; Leung, CSPart of book or chapter of book
Oct-2012Personalised Ambient Monitoring: Supporting Mental Health at HomeMagill, Evan; Blum, Jesse MichaelTurner, KJPart of book or chapter of book
2009An investigation into audiovisual speech correlation in reverberant noisy environmentsCifani, Simone; Abel, Andrew; Hussain, Amir; Squartini, Stefano; Piazza, FrancescoEsposito, A; Vích, RPart of book or chapter of book
2013Sentic Computing for Social Media Analysis, Representation, and RetrievalCambria, Erik; Grassi, Marco; Poria, Soujanya; Hussain, AmirRamzan, N; van Zwol, R; Lee, J-S; Cluver, K; Hua, X-SPart of book or chapter of book
2007A novel psychoacoustically motivated multichannel speech enhancement systemHussain, Amir; Cifani, Simone; Squartini, Stefano; Piazza, Francesco; Durrani, TariqEsposito, A; Faundez-Zanuy, M; Keller, E; Marinaro, MPart of book or chapter of book
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 65