History and Politics eTheses : [117] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of theses produced by History and Politics students.

Note: Some items may not be viewable as they are being prepared for publication.

The copyright in theses in this collection remains with the author, unless it is stated to have been assigned to the University of Stirling. The University of Stirling reserves the right to keep electronic copies for consultation in both cases.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 117
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
Feb-2025"The Ecstatic and the Bilious": To be a Methodist in Nineteenth Century Provincial EnglandAllin, John Ernest-Thesis or Dissertation
Aug-2024Jura Majestatis, or The Rights of Sovereignty: The Privy Council and Government Administration in Scotland, 1689-1708Tree, Robert David-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Sep-2024The Politics of Reading at the Subscription Library in Britain in the Age of Reform, 1789-1832Smith, Joshua J-Thesis or Dissertation
Jun-2024Assembling Sustainable and Resilient Futures with Small Heritage Organisations: Social Purpose, Creativity and Practices of CareHanneke, Booij-Thesis or Dissertation
2015Poaching and Game Preservation on the Breadalbane Estates c.1603- 1850Maclellan, Ian-Thesis or Dissertation
26-Oct-2023Privateering in The Eastern Ports of Massachusetts during the American Revolutionary War: 1775-1783Pride, Maria-Thesis or Dissertation
Aug-2023John Adams and US-French DiplomacyMaron, Philippe-Thesis or Dissertation
22-Dec-2023Piracy and the Southwest Burghs of Scotland in an Irish Sea Context, 1560-1625Scott, Carballo-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Sep-2023Edinburgh and Vibrio cholera in the 19th CenturyJanson, Lee William-Thesis or Dissertation
1-Apr-2023Lawful sovereignty: the political criminalisation and decriminalisation of Jacobitism, 1688–1788Cunningham, Calum Edward-Thesis or Dissertation
16-Feb-2021Brewing and baking in Scotland, 1406-1513Baker, Stephanie-Thesis or Dissertation
Jan-2022The Politics of Scottish Government Policy on Unconventional Oil and GasTimonina, Irina-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Jun-2022Bombers, Bunkers, and Badges: The Cold War Materialised in National Museums ScotlandHarper, Sarah Alexandra-Thesis or Dissertation
31-Oct-2021Unsettling Nacken chaetrie: the absence and presence of Gypsy/Travellers in Scottish museumsRamsay, Rhona Elizabeth-Thesis or Dissertation
Apr-2021Does government dominate the legislative process?MacGregor, Steven-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Dec-2020The Gothic Gaze: The Perception of the Ruined Abbey and Anti-Catholicism in the Long Eighteenth CenturyMcKean, James Andrew-Thesis or Dissertation
27-Sep-2021Guests of the Nation: The Reception and Relief of Belgian Refugees in Scotland by Glasgow Corporation during the First World WarTaylor, Kieran D-Thesis or Dissertation
30-Apr-2021Wrestling with Social Value: An Examination of Methods and Approaches for Assessing Social Value in Heritage Management and ConservationRobson, Elizabeth Mary-Thesis or Dissertation
5-Oct-2020A singular solace: an ecclesiastical history of Haddington, 1560-2000Dutton, David-Thesis or Dissertation
26-Jul-2019A study of the fourteenth century cartulary of Scone Abbey and its contextMillar, Richard-Thesis or Dissertation
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 117