Biological and Environmental Sciences Book Chapters and Sections : [47] Collection home page

This collection contains electronic copies of book chapters and sections produced by Biological and Environmental Sciences staff.

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
2024Ape Population Abundance EstimatesSop, Tenekwtche; Cheyne, Susan M; Kuhl, Hjalmar S; Maisels, Fiona; Wich, Serge; Williamson, Elizabeth A-Part of book or chapter of book
2022Radiological Protection of the EnvironmentBeresford, Nicholas; Copplestone, DavidCampbell, Peter G C; Hodson, Peter V; Welbourn, Pamela M; Wright, David APart of book or chapter of book
2022Biophysical Interactions in PhytoplanktonMackay, Eleanor B; Jones, Ian D; Gray, EmmaMehner, Thomas; Tockner, KlementPart of book or chapter of book
2021Ecological Consequences of Climate Extremes for LakesJennings, Eleanor; de Eyto, Elvira; Jones, Ian; Ibelings, Bastiaan; Adrian, Rita; Woolway, R IestynPerga, Marie Elodie; Bouffard, DamienPart of book or chapter of book
Feb-2018The Story of a ClastDolan, AmandaRitchie, MattPart of book or chapter of book
2021Using relict species-area relationships to estimate the conservation value of reservoir islands to improve environmental impact assessments of damsJones, Isabel L; Saldanha Bueno, Anderson; Benchimol, Maira; Palmeirim, Ana Filipa; Storck-Tonon, Danielle; Peres, Carlos AMatthews, Thomas J; Triantis, Kostas A; Whittaker, Robert JPart of book or chapter of book
2020Internal phosphorus loading in Esthwaite Water: considering the role of weather and climateMackay, Eleanor; Jones, IanSteinman, Alan D; Spears, Bryan MPart of book or chapter of book
2020Mechanisms and timescales of beach rotationLoureiro, Carlos; Ferreira, ÓscarShort, Andrew D; Jackson, Derek W TPart of book or chapter of book
2019Urban slums, drinking water and health: Trends and lessons from Sub-Saharan AfricaAdams, Ellis Adjei; Price, Heather; Stoler, JustinVojnovic, Igor; Pearson, Amber L; Asiki, Gershim; DeVerteuil, Geoff; Allen, AdrianaPart of book or chapter of book
2020Phytoremediation using Aquatic PlantsFletcher, Jonathan; Willby, Nigel J; Oliver, David M; Quilliam, Richard SShmaefsky, Brian RPart of book or chapter of book
2016Remote Sensing of Wetland Types: Subtropical Wetlands of Southern HemisphereCosta, Maycira; Evans, Teresa; Silva, Thiago S FFinlayson, CM; Everard, M; Irvine, K; McInnes, RJ; Middleton, BA; van Dam, AA; Davidson, NCPart of book or chapter of book
2016Remote Sensing of Wetland Types: Tropical Flooded ForestsHess, Laura L; Costa, Maycira; Evans, Teresa L; Silva, Thiago S F; Chapman, Bruce D; Milne, TonyFinlayson, CM; Everard, M; Irvine, K; McInnes, RJ; Middleton, BA; van Dam, AA; Davidson, NCPart of book or chapter of book
1-Jan-2019Landforms, Hydrography and VegetationLaïbi, Raoul; N'Dah, Didier; Adderley, PaulHaour, APart of book or chapter of book
2018Developmental Programming via Activation of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis: A New Role for Acoustic Stimuli in Shaping Behavior?Spencer, Karen A; Minderman, JeroenNaguib, M; Podos, J; Simmons, LW; Barrett, L; Healy, SD; Zuk, MPart of book or chapter of book
2016Diversity in mating and parental sex rolesHerridge, Elizabeth J; Murray, Rosalind L; Gwynne, Darryl T; Bussiere, LucKliman, RMPart of book or chapter of book
Sep-2019Mössbauer Spectroscopy at Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum: Iron Mineralogy, Oxidation State, and Alteration on MarsMorris, Richard V; Schröder, Christian; Klingelhöfer, Göstar; Agresti, David GBishop, Janice L; Bell, James F; Moersch, Jeffrey EPart of book or chapter of book
20-Apr-2010The case for climatic stress forcing choice in the adoption of agriculture in the British IslesTipping, RichardFinlayson, B; Warren, G.Part of book or chapter of book
2012Le rôle de la faune dans le cadre de la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique centrale: Une menace pour la Biodiversité?Van Vliet, Nathalie; Nasi, Robert; Abernethy, Katharine; Fargeot, Christian; Kuempel, Noelle; Ndong Obiang, Anne Marie; Ringuet, Stephanede Wasseige, C; de Marcken, P; Bayol, N; Hiol, F; Mayaux, Ph; Desclée B, B; Nasi, R; Billand, A; Defourny P, P; Eba’a, RPart of book or chapter of book
2017Effectiveness of Natura 2000 in forests in EU-28Greenwood, Sarah; Jump, Alistair; Sotirov, Metodi; Marchetti, Marco; Mikusinski, Grzgerorz; Bastrup-Birk, Annemarie; Brotons, Lluis; Hermoso, Virgilio; Parviainen, JariSotirov, MPart of book or chapter of book
2017The state of biodiversity in Europe's forest systemsMarchetti, Marco; Bastrup-Birk, Annemarie; Parviainen, Jari; Santopuoli, Giovanni; Vizzarri, Matteo; Jump, Alistair; Sotirov, MetodiSotirov, MPart of book or chapter of book
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 47